Who We Are

Our History

Jump Charity came into existence in 2013 when we decided to throw a charity horse show to raise money for Children’s Hospital LA. The show was such a success that a group of equestrians and parents at San Pascual Stables got together and decided to form an organization that will dedicate its time and effort to children’s causes.


Caroline Sterckx

Caroline Sterckx

Caroline has been raised around horses since the day she was born. Her father owned the Country Riding Club in the center of Brussels, Belguim. She has been hooked since and horses remain as Caroline’s first passion.

She started competing in Jumpers at the age of 8 and by the age of 12 had joined the national Belguim pony team. At 16 she moved to Nelson Pessoa’s stables and joined the Junior National Belgian team. Caroline competed at all of the official European competitions including the European Championship in Berlin, Germany where she finished fifth. That same year she was second at the South American Championship in Monterrey, Mexico.